* Secret EMS Sculpt + RF
The must efficient body contouring!
Service Description
4 handles ( ABS+ 2 handles or Butt lift) You can pick your own combination of areas. 2 flats handles and 2 curves handles. EMSCULPT’s revolutionary technology builds muscle and burns fat, delivering the equivalent of 20,000 sit-ups or squats in a comfortable 30 minute session. pick up to 2 zones that you would like to improve. Adults in good shape who desire more definition of their abs or lifting of the buttocks are ideal candidates for EMSCULPT. EMSCULPT is well-suited for those who work out but just can’t seem to get a six-pack or a perky derriere. Good candidates are already physically active and adhere to a healthy diet and lifestyle. Possible contraindications to treatment include the following: -Pregnant -Metal or electronic implants in the treatment area -Cardiac pacemakers -Implanted defibrillators -Implanted neurostimulators -Drug pumps -Malignant tumor -Hemorrhagic conditions -Epilepsy -Recent surgical procedures - Copper IUD For more information, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Cancellation Policy
Minimum 24 hour's notice is required to Cancel/Reschedule to avoid your deposit fee or full session charged. Thanks for your understanding.
Contact Details
shop 4/145 Newcastle St, Perth WA 6000, Australia